Permits Needed for Portland Area Tree Work

About Tree Permits
Not all tree removal jobs in the Portland Metro area will require a permit, particularly if it’s a smaller tree on private property. However, in many cases a permit from your city or municipality will be needed before you can cut down a tree. Each municipality in the greater Portland region has its own rules, regulations, and forms to be completed prior to starting tree removal (and, sometimes, tree pruning) work. Some also require you to replace a tree that has been cut down and will ask for a replanting plan before approving a tree removal permit.
Tree removal, whether on private property or removal of street trees, without the proper tree permit from your city or municipality is a recipe for disaster and large fines. The time and money you might save by failing to obtain a proper tree removal permit puts you at risk for thousands of dollars in fines and a lot more of your time to handle the issue; it’s definitely not worth the risk.
Why do I Need a Portland Area
Tree Permit ? It's just a Tree!
Portland area residents love trees and have chosen, through city ordinances and regulations, to maintain the health and livability of our communities by maintaining our urban forest.
For example, many cities have significant and heritage trees that add unique character and a sense of history. Trees planted in green spaces and natural resource areas, such as along the Willamette River, provide food and shelter for wildlife, prevent erosion, and contribute to the scenic beauty of the region.
Add to that the many other benefits of trees, such as providing cooling shade in summer, increasing property values, reducing air pollution, and muffling unwanted noise, and it’s easy to see why tree removal permits and tree replanting are required in many municipalities.

Tree Permit Requirements by City
To help you determine whether a permit will be required for your tree service work, we’ve provided a brief summary and contact details for each location in which we work. The requirements can differ significantly from city to city so please take the time to make sure you’re applying for the proper permit(s) in the municipality where the work will be done. ArborPro will require you to have the proper permits prior to any work we do on your property. This also includes written agreements you must obtain from your neighbors, should the tree or trees involve a boundary issue.

Beaverton’s Urban Forestry Maintenance division cares for the city’s urban forest, including street trees (trees in the public right of way) and those on public property. See City Ordinance Number 3979 (PDF) for information regarding the city code relating to these trees.
If you’re planning to prune or remove a tree, call the City of Beaverton Planning Division at 503-526-2420 to determine if a permit will be required.
Beaverton Urban Forestry
(503) 526-3724
Urban Forestry Maintenance Division
Canby Public Works Department
(503) 266-0759
Street Tree Cut Permit Application
No permit is required for private property removals of up to 2 trees per year. The same is required for commercial removals of up to 2 trees per year, per acre. Additional trees require a more detailed permit.
See Clackamas County zoning divison website for more information.
Trees in Gresham are regulated differently depending on their location, purpose, size, and significance.
A permit is not required to remove:
- any tree less than 6 inches in diameter measured at 4.5 feet in height
- trees 6-8 inches in diameter that are outside of sensitive areas
- a tree that is fully collapsed or uprooted in a storm or other hazard event
All other tree sizes and locations will most likely require a permit prior to removal.
Types of Tree Removal Permits in Gresham
- Type I removal permit
- Type II removal permit
- Type III tree removals require hearings to reach an official decision based on criteria in Section 9.1000 of the Gresham Development Code
- You must get a tree removal exemption before removing regulated trees on your property.
Visit Gresham’s online permit system to apply for a tree removal permit or exception request.
Gresham Development Planning
(503) 618-2780
Gresham Urban Design & Planning / Trees
The City of Happy Valley’s Tree Ordinance specifies that you much obtain a permit before removing a tree whose trunk diameter is greater than 6 inches.
Type A Permit: This permit is required for tree removal within a residential zone that is occupied by a single-family dwelling, where a maximum of three trees is being identified for removal.
Type B Permit: This permit applies to industrial or commercial zones, unimproved residential parcels, open spaces, or any time more than three trees are requested to be removed. Tree replacement is required in these cases.
Authorized tree removal contractors are required to have a Happy Valley Business license.
Public Works – Street Trees & Urban Forestry
(503) 783-3800
Tree Information
The City of Hillsboro has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation since 2018. As part of maintaining that designation, property owners are required to obtain a free Tree Care Permit from the City of Hillsboro before:
- Planting, removing, or replacing a public street tree
- Major tree pruning within the public right-of-way
- Major pruning is defined as pruning that removes branches two inches in diameter or greater, removal of roots two inches in diameter or greater, or removal of branches constituting more than 20 percent of the crown
- Pruning or tree care that impacts pedestrian or vehicle travel
City of Hillsboro
Hillsboro, OR – Tree City USA
The Lake Oswego Tree Code requires a permit to remove any tree 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH) or greater.
- Type I/Dead/Hazard/Emergency Tree Removal Permit Form
- Type II Tree Removal Permit Application
- Invasive Tree Removal Permit
Lake Oswego Tree Removal Permit Types & Requirements
Permit Information
An approved city permit is needed before performing the following tree work:
- A Public Tree Permit is required for removal of a public tree greater than 2" DBH
- A Public Tree Permit is also required for major pruning of a public tree (>20% healthy canopy removed at one time, or >10% healthy root structure)
- Removal of a private tree in a residential zone greater than 6" DBH requires a Private Tree Permit (Type 1 or 2)
Public tree removal/pruning permits as well as Type 2 private tree removal permits require a $50.00 application fee to be submitted along with the permit application. Type 1 private tree removal permits do not require an application fee.
Milwaukie Tree Work Permits
- Public Tree Permit (Pruning and Removal)
- Private Tree Permit (Type 1 and Type 2)
- Emergency and Retroactive Tree Removal Permit
Milwaukie Urban Forest & Tree Permits
Tree Permits
Oregon City generally does not require a permit for:
- Normal pruning and maintenance of a street tree abutting your property.
- Removing a tree growing on a privately owned, residentially zoned lot, so long as it does not meet any of these special criteria.
In contrast, a tree removal permit is always needed in the following situations:
- Trees on non-residentially zoned property.
- Street tree removals. See the street Tree Removal Application.
Oregon City Planning Department
Oregon City Tree Removal Permit Information
In Portland, a permit is always required to remove a street tree. Additional requirements may apply if the property is in a regulated historic or environmentally sensitive zone or plan district.
On private property, a removal permit is generally only required for trees that are 12 inches in diameter or larger at four and half feet.
Guide: Do I need a permit to remove trees on private property?
Urban Forestry
Portland Tree Removal & Replanting Permits
Trees on individual single-family lots in Tigard do not require a permit, unless they are a street tree, heritage tree, a tree planted using the Urban Forestry Fund or are native and located within sensitive lands (steep slopes, 100-year floodplain, stream corridors, significant habitat areas or wetlands).
Trees on commercial, industrial or apartment/condominium properties will most likely require a permit prior to removal.
Street trees can only be removed with prior approval. In most cases, a replacement tree is required.
Tigard Community Development Department
Tree Permit Requirements
In Troutdale, a permit is required to plant, remove, or prune a street tree. You can apply for street tree permits on the City's Citizen Self Service portal. There is no cost to obtain a street tree permit.
Troutdale Public Works, Parks Division
Street Tree Information
Removal of trees on private property in Tualatin is regulated by Chapter 33 of the Tualatin Development Code. Tree removal may require approval before cutting, limbing or removal can occur. Street trees (trees along a public street) are regulated by the Tualatin Parks and Recreation Department. Tree pruning is not regulated by the city.
Tree Removal Permit Requirements in Tualatin
- Removal of up to 4 trees in a calendar year is allowed without a tree removal permit, except for:
- Trees approved as part of a site plan approval.
- Trees designated as a Heritage Tree.
- Removal of 5 or more trees in a calendar year on sites without a site plan approval may be allowed with a tree removal permit.
- Removal of 10 or fewer trees in a calendar year on sites with a site plan approval may be allowed by approval of a Minor Architectural Review (MAR) application.
- Removal of 11 or more trees in a calendar year on sites with a site plan approval may be allowed by approval of an Architectural Review application (AR).
- Tree removal from a wetland or other environmentally sensitive area requires approval from Clean Water Services.
Tualatin Planning Division
Tualatin Tree Removal Regulations
A Tree Removal Permit is required for any tree defined as a "Tree" or "Street Tree" in the West Linn, OR City Ordinance.
- Tree: Any woody, perennial plant, deciduous, evergreen, or coniferous, having a main stem or trunk of a minimum of 6 inch DBH for Oregon white oak, Pacific madrone, and Pacific dogwood, and 12 inch DBH for all other tree species. Trees with multiple trunks will be measured at the 54-inch standard and computed as a total DBH. Plants that otherwise meet the above description but are typically grown as shrubs will not be considered trees (typical examples of shrubs are hazelnut, photinia, and laurel).
- Street Tree: Any tree planted by the City or authorized to be planted by another party in a Right of Way and designated as such. Street Trees do not include existing native or non-native trees or new plantings that are not authorized by the City.
West Linn Parks & Recreation
West Linn Tree or Street Tree Removal Permit
In Wilsonville, a permit is required prior to cutting down any tree six inches or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), measured at four and one-half feet above grade. A permit is not required for tree pruning, but the work must be done according to ANSI A300 standards and tree topping is not allowed.
The type of permit you’ll need depends on how many trees you plan to cut down.
- A Type A Tree Removal Permit allows a property owner to remove three trees per property, per calendar year, per permit.
- A Type B Tree Removal Permit is required when removing 4 or more trees on a single property (apply through the City's Online Permitting Portal).
- For site development work, you’ll need a Type C Tree Removal Permit
Wilsonville Planning Division
Wilsonville Tree & Tree Permit FAQs